Sunday, March 22, 2009

i went to my friend's house!yay!

hey. today was really nice day.
i went to Shogo's house and played game and
ate lunch (McDonald)together, and then played game
again. i also gave almost all the books i read here to him,
and his family got so glad that they got so many good books.
one of those books was about some disgusting stuff you do in bathroom,
so Shogo and Ryoya were laughing like crazy.

also, i ate dinner in a restraunt with my dad's friend's family in the same
company. dad's friend had 2babies, one is called "Renkei"(ppl call him Ren)
and his younger sis is called "Yuki". i met Ren before, maybe 2years ago,and
i was so surprised that he grew so much.and he's cute!

OMG. tomorrow is my last day in China! shit! i swear i will come here
often and meet u guys!!


♥siewting! said...

hii! hope u have a nice journey and life!! Hope to seeya very soon! TT

Twilight said...

hi risa. i hope you'll have good time in japan

Rucky said...

Hope your had fun these years in school. Well i hope your having the best time in china!! SINCE ITS THE LAST DAY HERE!!!

Vicky ♥ said...

dunt forget us haha =]

.:BlueUnicorn:. said...

T_T Bye, I'll never forget you

.:BlueUnicorn:. said...

Risa? Q_Q