Saturday, March 14, 2009

move=putting so many stuff in the boxes=tired.

today was so bad.
just because i'm going back
to japan, i had to put so many stuff like
books in the boxes because the ppl who has a work to
move all the stuff came to my house today.
i was bored and those ppl were smelly so
i went outside and played a game using
DSi. shit. now there's almost nothing in my room,
which really sucks. and OMG. there's only 5days of
school (HIS) left! but i guess my tears won't come out
unless i hit my head really hardly in the last day.
maybe i will cry if i think that i should live in
"Dangeon of A Ogre" in japan. so i better not think about it.
it will give me a headache.

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