Sunday, March 22, 2009

i went to my friend's house!yay!

hey. today was really nice day.
i went to Shogo's house and played game and
ate lunch (McDonald)together, and then played game
again. i also gave almost all the books i read here to him,
and his family got so glad that they got so many good books.
one of those books was about some disgusting stuff you do in bathroom,
so Shogo and Ryoya were laughing like crazy.

also, i ate dinner in a restraunt with my dad's friend's family in the same
company. dad's friend had 2babies, one is called "Renkei"(ppl call him Ren)
and his younger sis is called "Yuki". i met Ren before, maybe 2years ago,and
i was so surprised that he grew so much.and he's cute!

OMG. tomorrow is my last day in China! shit! i swear i will come here
often and meet u guys!!

Friday, March 20, 2009


hey. i watched HOME ALONE today.
i was laughing like CRAZY.
it was like:


my mom heard it, and came to my room and said:

"what the heck are you laughing about?"

so i replied:

" watching...haha...home alo....ahahahaha!!!!"
(speak laughing)

my mom was like:

"what the heck!?"

anw, i love home alone!it's so funny!oh yeah, some of u might think
i am still a little kid watching such a movie and laughing, but i still
love it.i like Kevin...he's more than genius: )
and my dad likes it too.he still laughs when he watch that. haha.
(i'm still laughing)


OMG. today was the last day of school!
so sad! and thank you to all of u!!
it was very fun being with u!
oh yeah, do NOT forget about me and
check out this blog. now i really think
blog is super good thing that can connect ppl.
anw, dont be sad, because i guess i'm going to visit
HIS in May or August or some other time!

Monday, March 16, 2009 can i survive??

today's science quiz was horrible.
it was so impossible to remember all the stuff!
and i'm not a genius who can remember those all things!!
also, why i couldn't figure out BQ1? shit!!!(×one thousand)
my mom or dad is going to kill me for sure.

and, i dont know how to put the music stuff at the side of
my blog! whenever i try to do it, yellowish bar that says "post failed" appears.
it's a mystery...

Saturday, March 14, 2009


hey. i dont know why but
sometimes i feel like somebody's
looking at me. like now.
there's nobody but me in this room but
i feel like that.
it feels so creepy and my back is really cold.
i just cannot stop turning around and see if there's somebody.
how does this feeling happen????

move=putting so many stuff in the boxes=tired.

today was so bad.
just because i'm going back
to japan, i had to put so many stuff like
books in the boxes because the ppl who has a work to
move all the stuff came to my house today.
i was bored and those ppl were smelly so
i went outside and played a game using
DSi. shit. now there's almost nothing in my room,
which really sucks. and OMG. there's only 5days of
school (HIS) left! but i guess my tears won't come out
unless i hit my head really hardly in the last day.
maybe i will cry if i think that i should live in
"Dangeon of A Ogre" in japan. so i better not think about it.
it will give me a headache.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

wait. where is my math book?

Oops. i guess i forgot my math book in my locker.this picture is when i notice that
i forgot my math book. i need it for my
homework!!!!!urgh!!!but i guess Mrs.H
is kind enough to forgive me.
but i still feel bad... : (

Lewis and Clark.

hey. today's social study was stupid.
i had to go to internet and do sth about Lewis and
Clark!! i really wished they didn't do anything like
exploring America so i don't had to do such a work.
urgh!!and it was hard to write on the map because i had
to write so small. i cannot understand why Mrs.E chose to be
a boring social study teacher.if i was her, i was totally dead
because of the boringness.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

★☆it's March,it's sunny,it's so nice☆★ (except 4 classes)

hey.toterday's school was ok...just ok.

here's what i did

1st block**technology**stupid project.

2ndblock*******PE*******i hate valleyball!!!urgh!!!!!

3rdblock******math*****my class went outside and did sth.

4thblock****science****went out to the whatever river.small bugs were around me.yuck.


5thblock*****french*****QUIZ!!i died!

6thblock*language arts*read grade6 nickname game. did stupid questions.

7thblock**social study**watched 2 videos.actually,clip.

school finally ended....went back home,

pretending to do homework and play computer games.

i'm a bad girl. haha. my parents are well tricked.

Monday, March 9, 2009

answers 4 faces

i guess faces were hard 4 u guys.
anw, here's the answer!

3.singing shocked
5.shaking hands
6.throwing a ball.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

im writing a story in a website

hey. i've started writing a story in the website that u
can submit ur story.(it's japanese site)
at first my story was just all right....
but now that story is kind of sad.
and the hero of the story is CRAZY.

the cool thing about that website is u can read
other ppl's story, and give a comment or advice.
so u also can get some comments or advice.
mine's pretty popular. but some ppl writes really serious,
bloody and kind of gross stuff in the story.
but mine's not bloody or gross...mine's serious.
kind of serious. and crazy.

Friday, March 6, 2009

sleeping sleepy girl

hey. do u know what? i slept about 10hours. im crazy.
'cause today my mom isn't here until 2 o' clock and i can do whateva i want!!but i missed
some of my free time by sleeping...oh yeah, my dad is here
but he's ok.(゜∀´)b. because he="oh. u wanna play game?ok. just go ahead."
but my mom="stop playing computer games!" "STUDY!!!!"
she's an ogre. and when i go back to japan, i have to live with ogre...because my dad
still have to be here.which means the apartment im going to live will be the"Dangeon of
An Ogre"....aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!! help moi!


hey. i am going to give u some questions:
what those↓is doing(or what are they)?i will tell u the answer on Monday.
2. 。゚(。>口<。)゚。
3. (〃^o^)~♪♪
4.Σ( ̄□ ̄;)
6.(ノ._.)゛  ゚
some might be pretty hard..but try ur best!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

world maths day!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hey! it's world maths day today and tomorrow!!
yeah!it rocks!(maybe)
now i'm in school and solving some questions.

multiplication is so good.. but addition SUCKS!!
anw..go dragons!!