Thursday, February 26, 2009

no school 4 3days! yeah!!BUT.....

♪oh yeah, aha, no school today!
♪oh yeah, aha,but i gotta go to Landison(name of the hotel)with my mom!

yesterday i thought i was going to have
wonderful free day 2day.but, my mom
told me that im not going to have it.
cuz mom and i gotta go to the hotel and sleep there
just to use all the special tickets we have.
i gotta go in 1:00pm.

also, bad thing is happening. i lost my terabithia book!
yesterday i thought i left it in my bedroom and forgot to
bring it to school, but when i went to my bedroom, it wasnt
there!so here r some possibilities: maid put it somewhere i cannot find it.
2.i left it in my locker. maid stole it cuz she wanna sale it to get some money. maid ate it.
5.i left it in computer room in my house.
6.actually, it is in my bedroom but i just cannot see.

i hope 2 is the right one. then it will be really easy to find it.
and if i couldnt find it, i guess next Monday will be the day that Mr.J
get so angry that he loses control and let his head


maybe explosion of Mr.J's head might be a good news 4 ppl who hates him.
but i really gotta find it.



♥siewting! said...

hello:) hope u have a good sat and sun then!!

Pencil Sharpener said...

Maybe it won't be tooooooo bad. Well, hope you a good weekend!

PS Your blog is so cool and funny!

bluestar★ said...

thanks 4 the comment!
yeah..i hope will have it.
>Pencil Sharpener,
hey. i gotta ask who u r. i really have no idea.

bluestar★ said...

>Pencil Sharpener, i got who u r.