Sunday, February 15, 2009


i've just remembered REALLY cool Korean show
called "NANTA"(i guess Jun knows it).i saw it in Hangzhou last year
with my parents and Shogo's's about cooking...but it's so funny!
so Shogo was laughing like crazy...i guess he was out of control.
There are 3 cooks and 1 nephew of the restaurant's owner.
they do so cool what they are doing in the picture at right.
they can also throw plates as the frisbee.
i hope u guys can watch it someday!(actually, u SHOULD watch this!REALLY!)


Twilight said...

haha. i know that. its really funny. i watched last last year and it is exactly same one.

♥siewting! said...

OMG!!! Jun's name is twilight??? =.= anw, i love the uniform risa!! so cute!! LOL