Thursday, February 26, 2009

no school 4 3days! yeah!!BUT.....

♪oh yeah, aha, no school today!
♪oh yeah, aha,but i gotta go to Landison(name of the hotel)with my mom!

yesterday i thought i was going to have
wonderful free day 2day.but, my mom
told me that im not going to have it.
cuz mom and i gotta go to the hotel and sleep there
just to use all the special tickets we have.
i gotta go in 1:00pm.

also, bad thing is happening. i lost my terabithia book!
yesterday i thought i left it in my bedroom and forgot to
bring it to school, but when i went to my bedroom, it wasnt
there!so here r some possibilities: maid put it somewhere i cannot find it.
2.i left it in my locker. maid stole it cuz she wanna sale it to get some money. maid ate it.
5.i left it in computer room in my house.
6.actually, it is in my bedroom but i just cannot see.

i hope 2 is the right one. then it will be really easy to find it.
and if i couldnt find it, i guess next Monday will be the day that Mr.J
get so angry that he loses control and let his head


maybe explosion of Mr.J's head might be a good news 4 ppl who hates him.
but i really gotta find it.


u better shut ↑, korean guy!

this is the word that was spoken by
korean guy(not Jun)in 2day's music class.
he was like(in music):
1-Ms.P asked 'im to play a music by his tronbone.
2-he started playin'.
3-he missed a note.
4-he yelled(kind of yell)"BO!?"
5-everybody laughed."hahahahahahahahahaha."
and he was like(in math):
1-korean guy was doing a worksheet.
2-he grabbed a calcurator, and started to push the buttons.
3-he wrote sth on his worksheet.
4- repeat 2 to 3.
5-supergirl talked to 'im.
6-korean guy looked at supergirl's worksheet.
7-he yelled(kind of yell), "O!!"
8-repeat 2 to 7. but do not include 4.

i guess he'd better shut ↑. or i gonna torture 'im to death.
he gotta be prepared to be tortured if he doesnt stop yellin'.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Wait 4 me, school bus!!


i went out for school.
i found that it was raining.
so i went back home.
i took my umbrella.
went to the place where school bus arrives.
but there was NO bus.
so i went back home.
i woke up my mom sayin':"Mom!i was late 4 the bus!"
my mom wake up with an ugly angry face.
she scolded me.
i said something back.
she asked me why i say something like above.
i thought: it's cuz u say something that makes me wanna say it.
my mom catched a taxi, and send me to HIS.
i went to technology class.
and so on....

Monday, February 23, 2009

There are 6 people that I really(×more than gazillion) hate on my bus.

im goin' to tell u the clues about people i really(×more than gazillion) hate on
my bus.

1stJerk:poor boy, the sound of his name is same as the
word that has same meaning as"pass away"
i guess he's Gr.4. anw, he im really hoping
he gonna do same thing as his name.he is ***
2ndJerk:the older sis of the 1stJerk.she's the oldest sis in her family.she also sucks too.
she's so bad. worse than the pig or some kind of animal like that.
i guess she's 9th grade jerk.she is ****
3rdJerk:her last name is like the word"Watermelon".she is worse than a jerk.
whenever i meet her, she always stick her tongue out to me.
she's like a rotten watermelon. actually, much more worse than that.
i guess she's gr.3.she is *****
4thJerk:the best word that can discribe him is:DISGUSTING.
he has half J****ese blood and one more is A******ian blood.
i hate his words he speaks, face, hair, and every single stuff.
i guess he's Pre-S or Pre-K or KG.he is ***********
5thJerk:she's just annoying. she always talk sth that doesnt make any sence
with his stupid BF. she also sings in loud voice. im not sure where she's from
but i know she is somewhere from Europe.her name has same sound with the ghost that appears if u chant it's name 13 times in front of the mirror in the dark room.**** is awful.i guess she's Pre-K. she is ****
6thJerk:he is also annoying, 'cause he's a BF of 5thJerk.he do same things as 5thJerk.
he sucks. really. trust me. he really does.he's name is same as the last name of a man who wrote the song called"Blowin' In the Wind"he is *****

these are all people i really hate. i loathe being with them on the same bus.
dont tell she or he about this post to anybody above even u have figured out who it is.
at last im going to say to the people above,


the end.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

i went 2 shanghai 2 do stupid thing

hey. this weekend was kinda HORRIBLE.
it is because i had to eat dinner with my teachers
of shanghai's school i used to go. why? it is just because
my parents said they wanna thank them for teaching
some stupid japanese studies. i DO say thank u to
them, but i thought having dinner with them is little
too much. what i didnt like about the dinner time is:
-people there were all drunk like CRAZY except 4 moi.
-the smell of beers and all those stuff were terrible. yeeew!yuck!
-it lasted from 8 o' clock to 12 o' clock which made me tired and sleepy.
-i was bored. 'cause i was a only kid there. urgh!
so i swear i'm never, ever going to participate in those stupid dinner stuff.NEVER!
and one more thing i wanna say is, ONLY ADULTS CAN ENJOY THAT KIND OF DINNER,

Friday, February 20, 2009

boring PE

hey. today's PE was so unfair and
boring. i really HATE the ladder system
game or whatever it's called.and i only
played 1time...and's just because
i kind of stink at badminton and weird thing
happened. well, yeasterday i could do serving(i dont know how to spell)
pretty well, but today, i couldnt.urgh!but it doesnt mean i hate badiminton.
i just hate the way the ladder system game works. that's all.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

extra music sucks!

today i had stupid extra music lesson.
i really hate it. it really sucks.i should miss
half of PE class and get dizzy.
i just wonder why we should have this
sucking time...oh, i hope teachers in HIS
are not reading this!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

PIG'S HEART!!!(Dont read it if u dont wanna throw up)

hey! 2day i had disgusting but cool thing in
science class...i touched pig's heart.
it wasnt disgusting as i thought.but some girls
had to give up looking at it 'cause they thought
heart was too disgusting.i hope they r not going to
have a pig heart nightmare...

Sunday, February 15, 2009


i've just remembered REALLY cool Korean show
called "NANTA"(i guess Jun knows it).i saw it in Hangzhou last year
with my parents and Shogo's's about cooking...but it's so funny!
so Shogo was laughing like crazy...i guess he was out of control.
There are 3 cooks and 1 nephew of the restaurant's owner.
they do so cool what they are doing in the picture at right.
they can also throw plates as the frisbee.
i hope u guys can watch it someday!(actually, u SHOULD watch this!REALLY!)

Saturday, February 14, 2009

the uniform i'm going to wear in new school

these clothes are the uniforms i'm going to wear in
new school. Black one is for Winter, Fall, and spring,
and white one is for summer. i think the skirt is too
long, dude!

my blog clock is not right

the post I posted before this post says I posted it in February 13th 2009.
But it's not right! u will know it if u read the post I posted before this post.
I hope ur head isn't messed up by the sentence with too many "post"

Friday, February 13, 2009


hey, guys.(and girls)

today is Saturday and it should be FUN...but it's so boring!
there's nothing to do except breathing. I gotta find something
to do which is FUN.

i wanna ask...

i wanna now how to get the music player for the blog that
can let me put only musics i like.
can u teach me how if u know?

I didn't know that....

hi. today i figured out that the boy in my class has
his own blog. i was so surprised when i figure it out.
and he also knew my blog...i thought "oh my gosh."
but he told me that my friend told him about my blog.

oh yeah, i have changed my blog title. Have you notice it?
i changed"Bluestar at night" to "cerulean*diary"because
my Japanses blog is called"lemony*orange".actually,
i just wanted to put * and a word "diary" and that's all.

wait a minute. i smell something weird.
it's smell of stew or something...
oh yeah, my father is cooking!
actually, he is just letting the frozen stew
melt. why is it frozen? well, it's because my
mother isn't here(china)now.she went to japan
to do something.For me, it is kind of good because
my i can play computer games.These days i am
grounded by my mother...but she is not here!