Thursday, September 25, 2008

Crazy song in LA!

well, yesterday in language art class, my classmate:Peter and Brandon sang a STUPID song that was in the book. It was like:

1. i am a stupid jerk, stupid jerk, stupit jerk....(and so on)
2. i love to pick my nose, pick my nose, pick my nose... (and so on)
3. i am flirting with the girls, with the girls, with the girls....(and so on)

my friend:Siew Ting laughed too much and cryed because of this. also, Dione.(but she did not cry)it was soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo funny!!!!!!!


Vicky ♥ said...

Haha, those crazy dudes really cried that was weird. Well, have a nice holiday. =D

bluestar★ said...

you too, vicky!

♥siewting! said...

Ahh!! I know it was wierd!! It was uncontrollable!! I dont kow wat happened to me but... I was mad!! Seeya in school!!