Friday, March 6, 2009

sleeping sleepy girl

hey. do u know what? i slept about 10hours. im crazy.
'cause today my mom isn't here until 2 o' clock and i can do whateva i want!!but i missed
some of my free time by sleeping...oh yeah, my dad is here
but he's ok.(゜∀´)b. because he="oh. u wanna play game?ok. just go ahead."
but my mom="stop playing computer games!" "STUDY!!!!"
she's an ogre. and when i go back to japan, i have to live with ogre...because my dad
still have to be here.which means the apartment im going to live will be the"Dangeon of
An Ogre"....aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!! help moi!


Rucky said...

LOL 10 hours of sleeping is crazy.... And ur mom is a orge..... LOL!!!

Vicky ♥ said...

haha me too i slept for 10 hours last night

you call ya mum ogre? lol

bluestar★ said...

i call my mom ogre in my mind.
if i say "u r an ogre!"to her, she will going to kill me.and she is an ogre when she got mad.

bluestar★ said...

i call my mom ogre in my mind.
if i say "u r an ogre!"to her, she will going to kill me.and she is an ogre when she got mad.

♥siewting! said...

lmaoszx. the faces are hard. lol